Winsor & Newton Artists Oil Colour Paint 37ml on Sale

Winsor & Newton 37ml tube Artists? Oil Colour owes its reputation for supreme quality to the careful selection of the very finest pigments. By exercising maximum quality control throughout all stages of manufacture, selecting the most suitable drying oils and method of pigment dispersion, the unique individual qualities of the colours are preserved. To produce colours of reliable consistency and a high standard of colour matching demands a combination of the traditional crafts of the artists? colourmen and modern colour technology skills. The colours in this range each contain the maximum pigment content consistent with good handling qualities, and so achieve the optimum tinting strength when reduced with white. The Winsor & Newton range of Artists? Oil Colour is unmatched for purity, quality and reliability, a success which is reflected in its worldwide reputation amongst professional artists.
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Colour | Ruby Madder Alizarine, Mineral Green Deep, Warm Brown Pink, Oriental Blue, Orange Lake Mineral, Transparent Orange, Ultramarine Pink, Smalt (Dumont's Blue), Alizarin Crimson, Burnt sienna, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Cad Yell Deep, Cadmium Pale Yellow, Cerulean Blue, Chrome Green Deep Hue, Chrome Yellow Hue, Cobalt Green, Cobalt Turquoise, Cobalt Violet, Davys Grey, Flake White Hue, Pale Rose Blush, French Ultramarine, Gold Ochre, Green Gold, Indian Red, Indian Yellow, Indian Yell Dp, Indanthrene Blue, Iridescent White, Ivory black, Jaune Brillant, Lamp black, Light Red, Manganese Blue, Magenta, Mars black, Mars Violet Dp, Mauve BShade, Naples Yellow, Naples Yell Dp, Naples Yell Lt, Olive Green, Oxide/ChromM, Paynes Grey, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Perm Green Deep, Permanent Rose, Pewter, Prussian Blue, Purple Madder03, Purple Lake, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Raw Umber Lt, Raw Umber(Gs), Rose Dore, Rose Mad Gen, Sap Green, Terra Rosa, Terre Verte, Titanium White, Transparent Gold Ochre, Trans Brown Ox, Transparent Yel, White, Vandyke Brown, Viridian, Winsor Blue Red, Emerald, Winsor Green, Winsor Green Yellow, Lemon, Winsor Red, Winsor Violet Dioxine, Yellow Ochre, Yellow Ochre Pale, Zinc White, Naples Yellow Light |