Pip Seymour Artist Acrylic – 250ml For Sale

High quality pigments, dispersed into a light and age resistant flexible acrylic polymer. Viscous paste, with maximum pigmentation. Dilute with water as required: dries to a permanent, flexible film. Can be applied to any dirt and grease free painting support, with brushes, spatula, painting knives, etc. Clean-up with water.
Additional Information
Colour | Alizarin Crimson Hue, Alizarin Violet Hue, Aluminium, Buff Titanium, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Cobalt Turquoise Deep, Cobalt Turquoise Light, Cadmium Citron, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red Deep Hue, Cadmium red Hue, Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Lemom Yellow Hue, Cadmium Red Deep, Cadmium Scarlet, Cardinal Red, Celadon Green, Celadon Green Light, Cerulean Blue Hue, Cerulean Blue Genuine, Chrome Oxide Green, Cinabrese, Cinnabar Green, Cobalt Blue Hue, Cobalt Turquoise Hue, Cobalt Blue Genuine, Coral Red, Cobalt Violet Hue, Cyprus Umber, Dioxazine Green, Doughet Green, Cinabrese – S2, Flourescent Blue, Flourescent Cyclamen Red, Flourescent Flame red, Flourescent Golden Yellow, Flourescent Green, Flourescent Lemon Yellow, Flourescent Orange, Flourescent Purple Lousie, Flourescent Signal Red, Flourescent White, Green Gold, Indigo Hue, Lavender Ultramarine Blue Pale, Magenta, Malachite Hue, Manganese Blue, Mars Black, Mars Red, Mars Violet, Morrelone Caput Mortuum Violet, Naples Yellow Deep Hue, Naples Yellow Light Hue, Neutral Grey, Nickel Titanium Yellow, Oyster, Palest Blue, Palest Ochre, Paynes Grey, Perfect Pink Rhodamine, Permanent Green Light, Permanent Green Middle, Permament Rose, Permanent Violet, Pewter, Phthalocyanine Blue, Phthalocyanine Green, Phthalocyanine Turquoise, Polonium Pearl, Prussian Blue Hue, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Rosso Ercolano, Royal Gold, Sap Green, Silver, Stil De Grain Persian Yellow, Sun Gold, Terre Verde, Tinting White, Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue, Verdaccio Green Earth, Vermillion Hue, Vert Emeraude Viridan Hue, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow Genuine, Dioxazine Purple – S3 |